The Workflow Cost Estimation of a Serverless Web Application on AWS (S3 + API Gateway + Lambda)

Serverless app is one popular technical trend. How can we estimate the cost to deploy a serverless app to AWS? and what parts in the workflow should we consider when we rely on AWS services? These are the questions I am trying to find the answer in this post. The Serverless Web App The different… Continue reading The Workflow Cost Estimation of a Serverless Web Application on AWS (S3 + API Gateway + Lambda)

The Order of Applying AWS Lambda Layers Matters – AWS Lambda Function and Layers

The order of applying AWS Lambda layers matters. When I tried to add AWS provided layer: “AWSSDKPandas-Python311” and my custom layer with googlemaps API library, I had to import the googlemaps library before AWSSDKPandas layer. Otherwise, there was always an ImportModuleError popped up: { "errorMessage": "Unable to import module 'lambda_function': cannot import name 'is_ascii' from… Continue reading The Order of Applying AWS Lambda Layers Matters – AWS Lambda Function and Layers